Friday, September 27, 2013

Doggy walk on new around-the-airport path

What a gorgeous day -- I was thinking of riding my Schwinn around the newly completed path around the Victoria International Airport -- then I came to my senses! Why not just take Cindy and Midge on a walk as well and that way the three of us could enjoy what might be the last sunny day for a while. They loved it, as you can see -- and so did I -- we went about a mile or so on the path and were greeted by other walkers, cyclists -- seems that dog walkers have yet to discover this outdoor treat! Here are a few pics to show what a terrific day it was:

Okay, so it's mainly a bike path, but dogs can share, too!

This is a photo take on our way over to the path -- notice how Midge is staring right into the camera and Cindy is looking away. This is so typical of them -- Midge loves the camera (and me!) and Cindy has a phobia about cameras -- she always turns away whenever the camera even comes out of my pocket!

Nice wide walking path beside the airport field.

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