Friday, September 27, 2013

Doggy walk on new around-the-airport path

What a gorgeous day -- I was thinking of riding my Schwinn around the newly completed path around the Victoria International Airport -- then I came to my senses! Why not just take Cindy and Midge on a walk as well and that way the three of us could enjoy what might be the last sunny day for a while. They loved it, as you can see -- and so did I -- we went about a mile or so on the path and were greeted by other walkers, cyclists -- seems that dog walkers have yet to discover this outdoor treat! Here are a few pics to show what a terrific day it was:

Okay, so it's mainly a bike path, but dogs can share, too!

This is a photo take on our way over to the path -- notice how Midge is staring right into the camera and Cindy is looking away. This is so typical of them -- Midge loves the camera (and me!) and Cindy has a phobia about cameras -- she always turns away whenever the camera even comes out of my pocket!

Nice wide walking path beside the airport field.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hot dog burritos!!!

Hey, this post isn't exactly about dogs, but I think hot dogs are pretty darn delicious, too! Here's a recipe for some dogs that I think are great . . . hmmmm, making me hungry.

Hot Dog Burritos
  1. Preheat oven to 350o.
  1. In a soft shell burrito, place 1 wiener, some chopped onion, grated cheese, etc. (This is how recipe was given to me, so I just made it the same; however, I think some salsa would be good.) 
  1. Roll up the burrito so all ingredients are nicely pocketed inside. (I used a toothpick to secure.)
  1. Place on cookie sheet and brush a little melted butter on ends and sides so they will brown up nicely in oven.

  1. Bake for 15 – 20 mins – you will want to turn them once or twice so all sides are browned.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Speaking of dogs' paws . . .

Yes, dogs do have lovely paws -- I myself love to feel the soft little pads of both of my dogs' paws -- lucky me, they let me fiddle with their paws whenever I like. But here's a little sad story about what happened to little Midge's left rear paw today . . .

We were happily following the path at Beaver Lake with our friends, Sarah, Charlie, Tarka, Jan and Macy (you have to guess which ones are the dogs!). About ten minutes into our weekly walk at the lake, I noticed Midge hippity-skipping along using only three legs; she was immobilizing her left rear hoof, just holding it off the ground. Uh-oh, I thought, what has she stepped on?

We watched for a few more minutes as she continued to keep up her pace with the much larger dogs, and she was still not using that fourth leg. So we stopped and Sarah and I looked at her foot, between the toes and all -- dear little thing (Midge, I mean) -- she didn't even flinch.

Anyway, we kept going along the various paths and Midge was super keen and kept up well, no complaints. At home, she of course rested on the couch buried in a super softie for the afternoon. On a short pre-dinner around the block stroll, she was still hippity-skipping a little bit, so I will just have to watch over the next few days and see what becomes of her hop-scotching!


Monday, September 16, 2013

4 reasons why dogsRjoy

1. Dogs have cute paws.

2. Dogs know how to chill.

3. Dogs are furry.

4. Dogs show empathy.

This little doggy went to market . . .

Okay, hmmmm . . . so what do I have to remember on my shopping list again?! Some kibbles 'n bits, some milky bones, and, oh yeah, some Hawkins cheesies -- just love those things!