Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hot dog burritos!!!

Hey, this post isn't exactly about dogs, but I think hot dogs are pretty darn delicious, too! Here's a recipe for some dogs that I think are great . . . hmmmm, making me hungry.

Hot Dog Burritos
  1. Preheat oven to 350o.
  1. In a soft shell burrito, place 1 wiener, some chopped onion, grated cheese, etc. (This is how recipe was given to me, so I just made it the same; however, I think some salsa would be good.) 
  1. Roll up the burrito so all ingredients are nicely pocketed inside. (I used a toothpick to secure.)
  1. Place on cookie sheet and brush a little melted butter on ends and sides so they will brown up nicely in oven.

  1. Bake for 15 – 20 mins – you will want to turn them once or twice so all sides are browned.

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